Conversation Between Alive-Cat and Christmas

531 Visitor Messages

  1. I am glad you like it! And I am doubly glad you are posting again, so I no longer need to miss you posting on these forums!

    It is the weekend! I'm going to a folk festival on Sunday by the seaside! Hopefully it's very sunny and I can show off my manly hairs and get tanned also!

    Thank you so much!!! You've got such a sweet voice!

    I don't really expect anyone to do anything for me during my absence! You're such a sweetie!
  3. Oh mine! Where is it? Can you show me a link?

    What an honour! Thank you!!!
  4. ps did you know, I recorded speeches for the last ciddies and I'm pretty sure I mentioned you but I don't know and I don't know if that particular speech was included BUT ALSO not too long ago when you were still M.I.A. I recited and dedicated a Romeo And Juliet reading to you for an EoFF thread about people reading things out loud, I don't know if you knew already but I thought you should know!
  5. I most definitely have! You proud?

    We can feed off of each other's life and then both be alive forever!
  6. And I hope you have gotten more hairy too!

    Of course, I'm alive and I get to see and hear all the beautiful things around me. That includes you, you make me alive, alive-man!
  7. Napping was a good idea! I then had enough energy to go to the gym and lift heavy things for a while! Thank you, Christmas

    Are you enjoying yourself on this beautiful day?
  8. The new ones are by Disney and I hope they know what they are doing! Darth ultimortal!

    Yes you should! Napping will gives you more energy for the parties and posting ahead! Everyone needs a good nap! Even a Sith Lord!
  9. That was the one!

    I have been known to! I am looking forward to the new ones that will come out one day long from now!

    I might need a nap. Maybe I will nap soon! Do you suggest I nap?
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 531