Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Sir Lancealot

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. You're welcome
  2. Thank you. Might get it next month.
  3. It doesn't have social links but it does take the conversation system from the main MegaTen games. You can concerse with demons to get them to leave the battle, give you items or persona cards, or even inflict certain status effects on them. Each character gets their own set of conversation traits and everyone has better luck with certain types of demons than others. The game also has multiple characters to join in your final party (four of them are set so the fifth member is dependent on your actions in the game), it has multiple endings and even a completely different main scenario you can access that leads to a completely different boss and ending.

    Its quirky, and I can't say the style is likable for everyone, but it does have some great replay value and if you ever play Persona 2 (which is considerably better) you'll be able to spot a good number of references in the game cause they take place in the same world.
  4. As a story, its like a campy B-Movie horror film minus the gore and Bruce Campbell. As a game, its more like a traditional RPG, exploiting weaknesses is still important but it doesn't use the press turn system, its just a standard turn base combat. You get five characters in battle and everyone can use multiple personas but characters have better proficiencies with certain arcana over others, like the main character is great with Emperor and Sun but he can't use Lovers type and he has poor growth rate with Empress but he can still equip that type.
  5. So, what's Persona 1 like?
  6. Not having played the original, I cant really say.
  7. Any notable differences in the Boys story so far?
  8. I know, which is why i'm looking foward to it.
  9. Her path is pretty awesome, you really get to see another side of the cast, though the main story remains mostly unchanged.
  10. I haven't played the female path yet, as I'm going though the male path again to max all the social links.
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