Conversation Between Leeza and Slade

288 Visitor Messages

  1. Dress in drag and do the hoola
  2. :rolleyes2
  3. I guess you're not really spammed out then.
  4. Scooby Dooby Doo,Where are you?
    We got some work to do.

  5. I think it's time to spread some cheer......unfortunatly I havn't got that far on the sphere grid
  6. The Trouble with Tribbles.
  7. I like how you caught the emotion of this piece
  8. He has a way with words that is neither up nor down, left nor right. Could it be they are on a slight diagonal?
  9. Frightening
  10. Wish it was summer here, but's ccccold
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 70 of 288