Conversation Between Fuzakeru and Calliope

15 Visitor Messages

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  1. I don't think I ever heard what you were studying!
  2. YAY! I'll follow you back ASAP! <3 I love tumblr. : Yeah, I didn't try to leave again. I started school last week and I had a ton of homework. x_x
  3. w00t, you're back! I followed you on tumblr today.
  4. What are you going to be studying at school? Spuuky and I volunteer at our local wildlife centre. I'm also hoping to start at a charity that answers letters from prisoners and sends them books to read.
  5. Yessss!
  6. Awww. I will tell you this - one of my favorite hipster pictures ever was of an ice cube talking to a glass of water saying, "I was water before it got cool."
  7. I spent my whole work shift trying to think of a self-deprecating hipster joke to tell you, and failed xD
  8. Hahaha! Are we kindred spirits now? I feel like this makes it official.
  9. ...I almost changed our rubbish bin liner yesterday because it "looked messy".
  10. Good thing you don't need smiting, then! It's also a good inverse of Spuuky's avatar.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15
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