Conversation Between The Summoner of Leviathan and LunarWeaver

865 Visitor Messages

  1. I thought we had a chat about the stabbing thing! Unless it's your pen0r, it is not allowed to impale any part of me! Banned.
  2. *gets colder with this information* Boooooo. Living on the Northern tip of America is enough for me, thankies. I thought we had destroyed the planet through global warming enough to get rid of snow. Humans need to destroy faster.
  3. Everybody fears an eyelash/eyebrow threat.

    *still shivers even in your hug* booooo I'm too wussy for this weather >.<;;;
  4. Look, I'll take your eyelashes, okay? Yeah, that's what I thought.

    BRRR, it's snowing really heavily today *sitting wrapped up in a blanket and looking unhappy* I hate the farkin' cold.
  5. NO! You get to be a shopkeeper and stand behind a counter all day doing nothing but selling items you got from nobody-knows-where.
  6. Then it would be an RPL and nothing would even make sense so sit down and quit with that.
  7. You'd be the perfect star of an RPG (because they carry so much).
  8. Were you shoplifting at the dolphin and firehose store again
  9. The scenario isn't great until we have dolphins in it, though. And a firehose.
  10. If we do the sun will finally be eclipsed and I can rise to power.
Showing Visitor Messages 521 to 530 of 865