Conversation Between Aerith's Knight and Christmas

73 Visitor Messages

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  1. If I hadn't seen your face, I would compliment other things, like that you're nice and sweet (and not making sandwiches in my kitchen yet ). Anywho, like I said, I only give out compliments I mean, so I don't start implying hotness to a string of text.
  2. You are not doing it the correct way. You can compliment a girl without looking at her face with the perfect valid excuse. If you compliment a girl only after seeing the face, this only show that you are superficial!!

    Here's an example

    "You are so pretty, even though I have not seen your face before, but judging from your words and action, you are of someone that is kind and pure hearted. And those that are kind and pure hearted will alway be blessed with a pretty face."

    See? That's how it works!
  3. That's what I thought! Well, I don't strike out as much as fail to close the deal. Ah well, I manage, I guess.

    I only give out compliments when I mean them (one of the reasons why my pickup lines actually work, well, getting them talking anyway). So how can I compliment a pretty face (like yours) if I've never seen it?
  4. But the term for those that get rejected and rejected over and over is called loser! But you are no loser to me!

    You called me pretty!!! How sweet!!! You never called me that before! Is it because of my profile pic!? You boys are also like that!
  5. It means another rejection, nothing more. I don't really get it myself, but to keep going after rejection apparently makes me a player.

    ...Yeah, I don't get it either. But hey, if it keeps me talking to pretty girls like you, who am I to complain?
  6. If i stop chatting with you, does that mean you got dumped and you cannot be a player?
  7. I don't really close the deal often enough to be called a player. It's more because I chat up nearly every girl (how else will you know who's the one, eh?), that apparently makes me a player, that not being afraid to get shot down. I just call it getting used to something.
  8. Some of my male friends are called player too, the play around everyday and get dumped daily!
  9. Trust me, I'm a real man. In all ways, including behavior, if only in real life.

    Visit and I'll show you why my friends call me Guido, the player.
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