Conversation Between Dolentrean and rubah

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Tomfoolery I say!
  2. I've always been the youngster on the internet. Growing up feels weird.
  3. I'm older than you? What dastardly ploy is this? Stop being such a deceitful fiend and grow up to your proper age already! I will not stand for such treachery!
  4. Yah, what did he JUST tell you?
  5. Nothing really, just had nothing better to do.
  6. WHAT
  7. rubah...
  8. Dolentrean...
  9. rubah...
  10. You how have one of the greatest sigs of all time. You now look better, are better in bed, can probably speak more languages, are better at math, and have a fresh scent.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10