Conversation Between Jiro and BarelySeeAtAll

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah..It's only been a year and already no one in my year can remember anything from GCSE! Useless crap is also more interesting than anything I know now haha.
  2. Useless trivia I find is much more enjoyable than important information. You also seem to use it far more often outside of a school environment. Weird.
  3. I like being able to recall useless information..but when it comes to school - which supposedly teaches useful information - I take on the qualities of a sieve. HAHA alcohol supports these years xDDDD That's a lie actually....
  4. I feel a strange sense of satisfaction when I remember something I learnt in school, or it turns out to be useful. I usually just forget everything as soon as the year is over! (And that's not even due to alcohol because I am a good minor yessiree)
  5. WHOA that would be somewhat amusing. I studied Business at GSCE, forgotten it all now haha, just like every other GCSE subject.
  6. Time to get your entrepreneurial spirit on and start your own business and become a tycoon with loads of money!
  7. Yeah, all the exams coming up too! It's maddening, break does sound good but I really need to get myself a job and get the money coming in. Not as if I haven't asked for weekend jobs, but my town is pretty small and already has enough people in the few shops it does have. T_T.
  8. I've been like that lately too, as soon as I think I've got it all sorted, something else comes out of left field and throws me off! Once my mid year break comes I'll be happy!
  9. That would be pretty awesome and Weeks did give us a lot of information as it is. I guess he's leaving Durzo as mysterious as he can, as a person - by giving us the basics and a few points about him, it kind of makes us want more but doesn't give it all. Leaves it up to us to wonder and decide ^_^ in short form haha (sorry, mind is here, there, everywhere XD)
  10. I wouldn't mind some books following his past exploits, I'm sure there's a good story to be had there. But I feel it all wraps up nicely, so I was very glad about that.
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