Conversation Between Shauna and Christmas

257 Visitor Messages

  1. :weep: I am a nerd!
  3. Perhaps I shall. Once I am done with my studying. No time to really think out a good thread opener. xD
  4. You can make a thread and talk about the old times!!! I bet a lot of people will want to comment on that since members sadly are all still from your era.

    Cause there are barely any newbies.
  5. True. But I find there is less I am motivated to comment on! Give me time to reintegrate and all shall be fine. Perhaps.
  6. But you are not as active as you used to be.
  7. I do not. At least once a day, I am on EoFF!
  8. Little Shauna lies again.
  9. I am here every day!
  10. If little Shauna is here more often, this won't happen.
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 70 of 257