Conversation Between BarelySeeAtAll and Mogi

63 Visitor Messages

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  1. There you go! Just remember to stay positive and realistic about it! It won't be easy to get started; there's a definite learning curve, but if you keep at it and don't let the difficulty hold you back, after a month or so you'll start to progress and learn songs and all of that awesome stuff! Just take it slow though; a lot of people quit soon after starting because they don't want to LEARN; they just want to spontaneously know how to do it! Just understand that it takes time and effort to develop any skill, musical skills included, of course, and you'll be okay!

    If you do decide on learning, I can send you a few beginner songs to start on once you have your guitar!
  2. Awww you're good at helping people, btw. For christmas and 18th I might ask for some lessons and a guitar or something. Maybe get the lessons earlier though - I doubt I'll be doing much in summertime. you've got me really positive about it now !!!
  3. The first step is trying, but the second step isn't physical at all! The second step is all mental! The second step is understanding that the first step is TRYING. When you start doing anything that requires a specific talent, you'll be horrible at it! Everyone who has ever played guitar was horrible at first. They all started the exact same way: "OMG THAT LOOKS SO COOL LEMME PLAY THAT THERE THING WAIT I SUCK AT THIS." The ones who progress are the ones who stick with it, who practice on a regular basis! As long as you want to do it, then you can!
  4. Oh? Well that's good then I guess xD I've just normally been useless with keyboard, recorder (well, okay that was in primary school x]) and drums. Otherwise I guess I just haven't really tried anything, that's the first step though right? ^_^
  5. You wouldn't have any problems X3

    People mainly say that bass is easier than other popular instruments because it has less strings than other popular instruments, generally forces a simpler approach to playing the instrument, and because it just plain isn't as popular as guitars and drums and the like. Guitars attract more attention because they're more prominent in music, but ease is absolutely based on opinion. There are a lot of people who play bass so wonderfully that even wonderful guitarists can't keep up with them.
  6. Aw, we watch tennis sometiems when it's on but I usually spend most of that either complaining or mimicking the groans of effort they make. Seriously, do they need to..ya know.

    Yeah? ^_^ I was going to learn bass guitar one day, and a mate recommended beforehand to mainly listen to the bass line in songs, and if that's too quiet to pick up the drum beats etc. I usually just get put off the idea of bass because everyone says how easy it is/could be; knowing me I'd find it the hardest thing.
  7. The only two sports that I can bear to watch at all are soccer and hockey, so I don't mind it when they're on. I don't get into it or anything though XD

    Oh, it's all about practice and feeling! Just spend some time with it and you'll be learning stuff in no time!
  8. HEHE yeah matches do have their moments. I'm not much of a football (soccer ) fan to be honest, but my bro enjoys it so normally takes the controller and puts it on haha.

    Wow..I really envy people who can play instruments! Well, I probably admire more than envy to be honest ^__^ I could never get my head around making things sound good, when others could x)
  9. Oh, my grandpa watched that game! I don't watch soccer (football?), really, but we always have the TV on when we cook, and he enjoys soccer, so I was watching too. There was one part where the goalie kinda pounced on the ball, and it shot out between his legs and rolled very slowly into the goal. It was hilarious XD

    Oh, and I play some string and some percussion :D
  10. Oh there was a USA v. England match

    Whoa what do you play, or whatnot? ^__^
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