Conversation Between Agrias and NeoCracker

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. Technicalities, my sweet....Technicalities....
  2. To bad you don't make me want to do something useful.
  3. I have that effect. :-*
  4. I feel like watching my copy of Dark Crystal now. <3
  5. I've seen it, with the dodging of wrenches and such.
  6. Go watch it now. It's stupid humor at it's finest.
  7. LOLWUT i dont even.....:O
  8. Is that or is that not a Balls of Fury Reference?
  9. Going where? :O DISNEYLAND@?!?!?!
  10. Meh, it's been going.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 35
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