Conversation Between Cz and Lawr

149 Visitor Messages

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  1. 99/f/Siberia
  2. lolasl?
  3. I can eat chops and chips, but I think that's it.
  4. Can you eat chaps?
  5. Quite correct, old chap.
  6. You're getting "funny" mixed up with "loving." John Lennon anyone.

    O SNA-

    You live in the UK don't you?
  7. Oh, nothing. I just thought that if I were too funny the government would see it as a threat to law and order and step in with their interfering and hatemongering ways.
  8. What does that mean?
  9. Must I be regulated?
  10. Oh, Cookie Zealot you are too funny.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 149
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