Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Fynn

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey may I ask a favor? I was wondering if you wanted to read the second Elly story I just finished so I can get an opinion?
  2. I may check it out when I have time, but I've been trying to avoid TV lately.
  3. Eh, it’s not long. It’s got like three episodes per seasons. Some of them are really good sci fi. Others are just terrible. If you’d want to see at least one, see Be Right Back. It’s my favorite so far and it’s essentially a very personal story about grief, but it’s also a really interesting bit of speculative fiction.
  4. No I haven't seen it it. I'm not much of a TV person these days, so I tend to avoid long series if I can.
  5. Well, here’s hoping. On an unrelated note, have you watched any Black Mirror? We’ve been watching it on and off lately and it’s honestly a total mixed bag for me. Some episodes are incredibly well made while others are utter trash and I’m just conflicted on whether or not I should continue.
  6. It's alive as far as I know. Atlus isn't as forthcoming with info like other companies. I mean they announced P5 years before it ever saw a release and we got no info for it in all that time until about the year it was released. Course, with the current state of the world, it's likely been delayed.
  7. As long as that project isn’t dead, of course
  8. That's why it will be interesting to see where they go with it. Granted, I think we're still a few years off from P6 coming out. I'm more interested to see what they do with SMTV personally.
  9. Hmm... I don’t know what to expect from that tbh.
  10. I was under the impression it was a fresh new team. I think the director has mostly worked on the Director Cut entries like Golden, Royal, and even Strange Journey's 3DS version.
Showing Visitor Messages 601 to 610 of 6688