Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Fynn

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. I usually make Mustadio my Chemist, though it would work well with an Archer as well.
  2. Hmm... How about items? I noticed I haven't planned a lot (like, maybe one) of my characters to have the item command, and yet it's really useful.
  3. Either give them a skill that augments their archer abilities, like a Squire's Basics because Accumulate is a BS skill; or stick with long range abilities like Geomancer or Magic.
  4. I know right?

    By the way, coming back to FFT - what ability would you recommend that I give my designated archer? I kinda want an archer to stay in my team, but I'm not sure what I can do with her...
  5. I enjoyed it.
  6. That Dawn trailer was really cool
  7. They're a given but defintely try out the Chocobos and Behemoths. The Dragons are pretty cool with a Reis build.
  8. I'll check them out! I just hope I have enough space. I definitely want to take in the unique monsters like worker 8 and Byblos.
  9. You should play with Monsters, I find they are an underutilized aspect of the game beyond raising them to poach for better items.
  10. Fabulous! So I guess I'll just have them stick to their unique classes once they master all the abilities I want them to
Showing Visitor Messages 5801 to 5810 of 6688