Conversation Between Rengori and TifaLockhart7

64 Visitor Messages

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    xD Lol..xD
  2. *slaps face (yours)* I don't know I'm bored.
  3. *slaps face (mine xD) like on Home Alone* Mama Mia!!!! xD
  4. How do you know I'm the one copycatting? How do you know it's not YOU?
  5. Copy-catters! J/k! xD
  6. I know xD
  7. Haha, so many things are alike..xD
  8. Yeah a bunch of people I know are like that too... I want school to start again too, there's a bunch of people I want to see again.
  9. awww i accidently replied on my usernotes xD again...
  10. Lol, are they all busy this summer?
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 64
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