Conversation Between Goldenboko and Pumpkin

30 Visitor Messages

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  1. I would give you a cookie if I could :3
  2. Already planned on it
  3. Take more than one pic of the area if you can please. It will make it easier and I already have a few 1 pic areas xD
  4. no problemo! I hit this funk where every day when I went by the specific area I wanted to snap up, it rained. 4 straight days D:
  5. Thanks Dan
  6. it's bright and sunny out today! I'll be at work til at least 4PM EST, then I'll get my pictures to you!
  7. I've got a few pics to start the GeoGuessr, so if you need a few more days, you've probably got 3-4.
  8. oki doki. Thank you
  9. I saw, busy day at work will have to get to it later.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 30
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