Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Ayen

703 Visitor Messages

  1. Get all my stories where I want them then do a crossover event titled 'Defenders of the Earth'.
  2. That is probably what happened. Glad to hear it sorted itself out. So what's your next plan for writing?
  3. It sorted itself out today. I guess it just takes time for the thing to process.
  4. Ooh, sorry to hear that. Hopefully it will get sorted out soon.
  5. Yup. I just shared all my stories on Fiction Press a little while ago in the hope of getting more traffic and feedback, but for some reason the second chapter on Lady Hellspawn isn't showing up on the site yet =/
  6. That's what you have to do most of the time. Whether it's a single story or multiple ones, just keep writing.
  7. Yeah. I take it one chapter at a time.
  8. That's cool. Just make sure not to get burned out from it.
  9. Thank you. Yeah, I'm pretty happy I'm finally at a point where I can finish what I start and keep four (soon to be five) different stories going at once.
  10. It's good that you are writing. I'm always up for people being creative. I'm glad you've been able to keep at it and get a few things finished and out there. That takes real resolve.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 703