Conversation Between Shaibana and Agent Proto

9 Visitor Messages

  1. i still dont really understand xD
  2. btw, Tilde = "~"
  3. omg yeah xD he missed 2 (or 3?) times... it got me frustrated after the 2nd time :P
  4. It was a good one. You could've won had my Delphox not avoided your Raichu's attacks late in the battle.
  5. Haha, nice fight! grats on ur victory
  6. I'm up for battle if you have the time later today.
  7. Okay, it's a forums game I am hosting. This is what that survey you have taken is for.
  8. i dunno.. i think dnt think so :o i dnt even know who or what fued is
  9. Hi. Would you be interested in joining up?

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9