Conversation Between Pumpkin and Ayen

307 Visitor Messages

  1. Interesting :o
  2. I have to remember to say that the next time someone asks because I have been asked that question. Here are the two reoccurring questions of my life:
    "Are you a boy or a girl?"
    "Are you gay?"

    And believe it or not, I was asked the first one before I adopted a female name as my alias.
  3. :P
  4. Me: *walk with rainbow notebook in hand*
    Bully: Are you gay?
    Me: Bitch, I might be!
    Bully: O________O
  5. That would be neat
  6. We need rainbow color notebooks.
  7. Of course! All of the colours
  8. Are they different colors? I got a green, blue, red and black one. The little notebook has a Zebra theme going on.
  9. I use mine for video game notes and notes for other silly things like that
  10. I just like writing random crap in a bunch of them. I'll write out entire episode lists for ideas I have in my brain. I might use the little one for passwords and stuff.
Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 307