Conversation Between Freya and yanis

120 Visitor Messages

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  1. Obviously you have to change your sig to "Gamers don't wear only heels"!!!
  2. I have those, and sandals, flipflops, boots, riding boots(horses), HEELS, converse, flats, slippers. Ya know. I got all that covered already.
  3. Maybe it's just an excuse... What you really need is a pair of sneakers!!!
  4. Yeah but grease is still icky.
  5. So experienced heel wearer (as you) shouldn't be worried about grease at all!!!
  6. Now grease and heels, that might get tricky.
  7. Well the hilariosity would be much bigger if I was wearing them, but it's ok I could live without it...I'll sacrifice it for your better looks...
  8. Just cause you're taller doens't mean you'll look better.
  9. I think I will be taller than you anyway!
  10. Yeah, I look better in them than you ever will....
Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 120
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