Conversation Between Edge7 and Jiro

8 Visitor Messages

  1. It's good to give yourself a wide variety of options. You don't want to pick something and then end up hating it and have no other choice! xD
  2. Not sure yet. I'm thinking of doing something in drama or film, but I'm dabbling in everything.
  3. It does sound fun, depressing that it's not! But that's a pretty interesting balance. What's your major in?
  4. Drama, sociology, American Art History, and Examples of Biology in science fiction (NOT AS FUN AS IT SOUNDS)
  5. I've had work and exams on my birthday for the past few years, it's really not fun. But, at least it'll be a lucky day for me, right? I hope your fall break is enjoyable, but don't forget to do a bit of study. Don't want to do badly on those midterms D: What are you studying?
  6. Exam? That's always rough. I kinda lucked out, it's fall break where I am. (midterms are the week after though).
  7. It is my birthday here, in my timezone, in 21 minutes! I don't mind the early well-wishing though; Tifa's Boobs already made me a thread! xD Tomorrow will be a good day so long as I pass my exam
  8. Yo, is it your birthday yet? I remember you were talking about it on the forums, and I have no clue when you time zone is. If it is, HAPPY BIRTHDAY (if not, whoops).
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8