Conversation Between Fynn and Wolf Kanno

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. Kind of exciting actually. I feel just taking the step to display the story in a public venue really helped despite getting reamed in the critique. I am doing a revision right now, so if you want to critique that when it's finished, I would be very happy. I definitely feel the feedback has made it into a better opening.
  2. So how does it feel after getting your first critiques?
  3. On second thought, reading through the critiques have basically summarized what you said about the original, so I feel I have enough to go on.
  4. It's up to you, I think I already got like four critiques on it, hell you can just pm or email your critique if you want to wait on it.
  5. Hmm... So would you prefer I give you a thorough inline critique now, or should I wait while its visible so others can critique it before it leaves the spotlight?
  6. It has a few changes in terms of being a better grammatically, but otherwise it's the same piece I sent you.
  7. Hey, so is your Soul thing you posted exactly the same prologue you sent me and I already gave feedback on, or is it a rewrite? I'm not sure if I should clutter it with my feedback if you already have it, as that would make it leave the spotlight sooner
  8. Glad to hear you're in the final stretch.
  9. I think I'm done with the thesis. Here's hoping my supervisor okays it. I'm not sure I can take more revisions
  10. I'll check them out. I finally earned enough Karma to post something, but I'm not sure if I want to start with my novel or do a short story instead.
Showing Visitor Messages 4921 to 4930 of 6688