Conversation Between Colonel Angus and Pumpkin

261 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks
  2. I just posted it in the thread, because I don't think we communicated to you & Fynn what we do in that situation. Hopefully, he'll see the post as well.
  3. Thank you
  4. Good to see you've got your interwebz back!
  5. Pumpkin, vote for speeches, si'l vous plait!
  6. lol thanks
  7. some movie
  8. I'm just doing the best I can w/ mine. I'm sure your's will be good.
  9. No probs. These aren't going to be A game speeches because I'm going all night here, but at least there will be speeches xD
  10. No problem, Pumpkin! Thanks for helping. I was busy writing the Best articles speech, as I'm finishing the last couple I've claimed to send out to A-chan.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 261