Conversation Between Pumpkin and Slothy

562 Visitor Messages

  1. Have you ever played Theatrhythm? I bought a 2DS and Thearhythm Curtain Call tonight because that's what people with little money do apparently. Have I made a sound choice?
  2. yo you should go check the fitness thread homie

    (my slang is off the hook)
  3. Alrighty!
  4. Should give it a month at least. Some people respond to cutting them almost immediately, others take a while to adjust.
  5. How long after cutting out breads and sweets does it usually take before you start noticing a difference? Not that I'm saying I should be noticing it after 2 days, just curious
  6. That's a good idea. Also, as for day 1 progress, despite eating well I am super hungry

    That's exciting about school! I wish I had more of an interest in mechanicing because then I could learn for free :P. But no really its good that you're finding something you can enjoy
  7. It's beeny experience that sitting around waiting for things to happen is a great way to have nothing happen at all so good on you for being proactive.

    Rice can be either or. It's a grain so some people say it's bad. I say of you're not eating platefuls of the stuff every day you'll probably be okay. It's not really as bad as the grains in bread and stuff. You can try cutting it out too to start and then add it back in a couple of times a week to see if there's any change in your weight loss or how you feel without it compared to with it. I usually find it easier to test out diet changes that way. Try to have a baseline to compare it to.

    And school's going great. I haven't actually looked at the marks for any of my courses but when you're getting 90's on all of the tests and assignments you don't really have to I suppose. And now that first semester is out of the way we're going in depth into some of the various car systems in second semester instead of doing a general overview, so I'm looking forward to that.
  8. Thank you! I'm making a lot of big changes this year, but the plan is that it works out in the end. I can't just sit around and expect my life to change for the best now can I?

    Also, trying to lose weight so I'm cutting out most breads, pastas, junk food, and sweets. Is rice a yay or nay?

    How is school going, btw?
  9. Not off the top of my head. And I'm 99% sure the two years afterward to get certified would be paid. Who would ever make it a career otherwise? It's gonna be about 3 years once I'm done school before I'm licensed (again. Yay. ) but if I'm working I'll get paid. I'd imagine it's similar for most other jobs.

    Good luck with it though. I'm sure things are going to line up well for you to do it if you keep working at it. I could really see you doing that work and being good at it. Seems like the sort of thing you'd be happy in.
  10. Doin stuff is scary though. I have no idea what the job market is like. I've found a good number of places in the area but does that mean A) They're private and don't take on other counselors? B) There's enough that they don't need more? Or C) That I could find employment with them

    I guess these are questions to ask the school and also see if they have internship programs I can apply to, especially since I need like 2 years experience before I can officially be certified anyway. And when they say I need 2 years before I can be certified, does that mean I won't be paid because I'm not certified, or is it like a paid program through an employer?


    Have any questions I should ask the schooling people?
Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 562