Conversation Between Galuf and Pumpkin

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. it died
  2. Sure
  3. hi is it ok if i call this Deerling, Pumpkin?
  4. Well you can start practicing and one day you will be good enough
  5. lol. maybe if i somehow learn to draw ill make a Cyndaquil
  6. I steal most of my avatars and stuff too Cyndaquil is super cute
  7. thanks. i never made it or anything, just stole it from the intrnet lol. Cyndaquil is my favourite Pokemon
  8. I like your Cyndaquil
  9. apparemtly ive been withdrawn so idk what to do.... Whats the bloody point of living. None i cant do smurf all godamn it
  10. How is your first day going?
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 24
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