Conversation Between Sephex and Pumpkin

107 Visitor Messages

  1. Met Ayla today. Quickly becoming one of my favorites.
  2. See? I would totally buy that.
  3. Yes. Excellent plan.

    "What are you doing?"
    "*snort* wha.. what. Oh. tryna fix the car"
    "Oh really, how?"
    "You know, just like... change the fan"
    "It needs an oil change"
    "Yeah, right. The fan oil *rolls over*"
  4. There you go. And if you are caught just say you were in deep thought thinking of a solution to fix the car.
  5. Hopefully. Maybe I'll just sneak in to the back seat of one of the cars he's repairing :P
  6. Man, I hope you can make up for the sleep in that case.
  7. Its especially a bummer because it aggravates my depression which aggravates some of my other mental issues :/
  8. I wish I could sleep at my job! Just messing with you. Trust me, I know getting sleep is no joke. I may joke about getting goofy when I take an ambien on the forums, but that stuff is a life saver for me.
  9. I'm going to work with sharky so I might be able to sleep there if his mom isn't there.

    She's a nice lady but if someone is around, she NEEDS to talk to them. Even if they're clearly trying to sleep. Or on the phone. Or eating. Or talking to someone else.
  10. Yeah, I hear that. I used to have that problem when I had a normal schedule all the time.
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 107