Conversation Between CimminyCricket and LunarWeaver

168 Visitor Messages

  1. As long as they're black they're automatically funny.
  2. But first we'd make videos of us making fun of poor children in Africa, right?
  3. Would you really xD? Well that's nice. We could make videos where we make fun of EoFFers and then post it for all to see. She is a bitch to be honest. But all fat people are bitches.

    Oh, yeah. I always say army. Sorry
  4. I'm transferring this over here because it looks weird.

    Okay, I... xD. I never told you this? I'm tugging my collar because I'm scared you'll be mad I was talking about you. This was when my boyf was coming to visit me, so a while ago. I never actually SAID we were together in any fashion, or that Daniel is gay, but mom just assumed he was. So just to be a bitchy bitch I was like, "What makes you think he's gay just because he's coming to see me?" She was all, "Well, nobody straight would visit you. They would be too scared their friends would make fun of them." (Make fun of them, lol, high school). Then she went on to say that no straight guy would actually hang out with me at all, and that the Internet is different and that friendship doesn't translate to real life.

    So, for some reason, I pulled your name out of nowhere, and I said, "No, I have a friend in the army and he's totally cool with it. Cim would come visit me and stay with me for a while." She went on this huge tangent about how there's no way any heterosexual male would do that, and that you would sit one seat away from me in a theater to put space between us, and you would stay at least 3 feet away from me at all times and certainly not sleep in the same house as me. I continued to say that you would, so finally she said you're a closeted homosexual and are frightened the army will find out. I told her you've been with girls before, but she is thoroughly convinced the one known as Cim (I couldn't remember your real name so I just told her it was Cim) is a big homo.

    Now, I realize we are not like super-tight-wtf and you wouldn't even come visit me anyway, but I used your name just to make a big argument. I actually don't think most straight guys would come stay with me for a week or so, I dunno, but she's implying you would never hang out with me physically at all even for like an hour or something lol. I found the things she said pretty funny, though.

    Anyway, yeah. You like penis and the ghost juice that spews forth from it.
  5. xD I laughed so hard, that is awesome. Of course I'd come visit you, none of that bothers me xD Your mom is a bitch. I'm in the Marines btw. xD
  6. I put the answer in my own profile for some reason. So... go look there. ACCIDENT.
  7. xD No, what the hell? Why does she think that?
  8. His foolishness is what makes him better than anything in Disga-... Sigh, I really have been too mean to that. I'll just hug you instead.

    So, did I ever tell you how my mom thinks you're a closeted homosexual?
  9. Oh dear, what are we going to do about his foolishness?
  10. I'd rather we talk about more important issues like Sephiroth.
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 70 of 168