Conversation Between Dr. Acula and Christmas

555 Visitor Messages

  1. I dun really know. At this stage of my life, anything is amazing I reckon because I dun even what I want!

    Btw, have you settled your housing issue?
  2. I didn't really get any gifts (which is fine because I didn't buy any either). A staycation is always a great idea!

    Did you get anything amazing???
  3. Went for a staycation and my wallet became so much thinner!

    Any awesome gifts you received this year?
  4. I don't really celebrate Christmas (except you, of course!) so I'm just sticking around. My parents are coming for a quick visit though.

    What about you??
  5. So how are your Christmas prep? Going home to your family?
  6. Yay kleptomania!
  7. It is the season of taking! Of course it will be ok. You will be taking away all the good things because you are a good kid.
  8. I just resubmitted it so hopefully it will be ok!!
  9. But is it all good after the revision? From my experience in life, everything need to went through reviews and changes before it could be perfect! And you are on your way to it!
  10. IT'S PRETTY GOOD. I got it back from peer review with a lot of revisions which destroyed my ego a bit but it's going okay!
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 555