Conversation Between Lady Fidela of Confide and Social Moon Firesky

7 Visitor Messages

  1. ;__;

  2. This is called a user note.


    How to use:

    1) Access the forums.
    2) Log in.
    3) Access your user profile, and from there:
    4) Access your user notes.
    5) Read every single one.

    You will then hear an alarm go off, and a countdown will commence. After that, you will have ten seconds to leave the room, before your computer detonates.

    Have a nice day.
  3. I'm bored. LFoC, have you got any left-over pizza I can have? Please?
  4. *Spams some more, still unashamed*
  5. *Spams shamelessly*
  6. My first user note EVER! W00ty! *Dances in circles* Yaysie! Hmmmmm...Kitty woz 'ere Y2K+5. :bigbiggri
  7. Spoons rock, yay! And my first ever user note that i've posted, woo!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7