Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Fynn

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. Well...

    -You lost a party member in the area before it, who happened to be your meat-shield main damage dealer.

    -The two regions before this one are largely story focused so you probably didn't get much in ways of levels or gold before getting here.

    -You get stripped of your abilities at the start of the area for story reasons, making one of your party members almost completely useless and seriously hampering the party since you now have to use items to actually survive.

    -The game has a serious difficulty spike at this point with random encounters being pretty brutal and the region has a notoriously high encounter rate.

    -Like all DQ games, unless you lucked out and got a certain item drop in one of the previous regions, you'll be under-equipped and the prices in this region are criminal and the Gold drop is even worse.

    -There are at least two boss battles that are scripted, you can't really win them but the game gives no hint that it is this way. When you actually do have to win the fight, the enemy isn't exactly powered down either...

    -It is the longest section of the game by this point and once you start Dharma, you can't leave. Your trapped there until you complete it so if you're party is grossly under-leveled, you don't have the option to leave and go to an easier region to grind.

    It is the most notorious section in the game and one I've heard DQ fans hope got changed a little with the remake. About the only saving grace of this area is that you get a Sage Rock (item that does free group healing and can never be used up) in this area. Yeah, Dharma is basically when the game decides to take off the kids gloves and really show you that you'll have to put some effort in the game to succeed.
  2. Why is it a pain in the ass?
  3. Well that's neat. I'll have to get around to it eventually. Of anything, I need to get back to my playthrough of DQVII I started late last year before MGSV stole my soul. I had just gotten to Dharma Temple and access to Job Classes when I left off and considering Dharma is like the first real pain in the ass location in the game, it feels a little bad to leave off from there.
  4. I think so. It has a lot that reminds me of III, actually. The job system is there, and the sense of adventure and having fun being lost in this big world is there. In both IV and V you were pretty constrained with where the story brought you, but here you get much more freedom roaming the two worlds, and the dual world's mechanic is pretty neat.
  5. So has DQVI taken the mantle of your favorite DQ game?
  6. So I'm at that point where I'm gathering the Zenithian equipment, though each piece is called differently. I wonder what'll happen, then. Still, it's nice to have this little link between all three games.
  7. I believe I got that covered

    (jk I'm a bumbling pile of self loathing )
  8. Or at least how to be snarky and funny about it.
  9. Yeah. I guess I just have to learn to deal with it
  10. That's just the entertainment industry in general. If you were a movie nut, you would be just as annoyed when some one asked you about the new Michael Bay or Tom Hanks flick when you really want to talk about some indie film from some unpronounceable country in the former Soviet Bloc.

    There is really no point in getting indignant about it. Of anything the internet had made it appear that some smaller titles and series are actually bigger than they really are. I mean I love my SMT, but I'm not going to kid myself into believing it's a real powerhouse franchise on par with FF, even with Persona finally getting recognition within the genre. Tales is kind of the same deal, with the amount of games they release a year, you would think it's number two to FF but again, many people don't play it out here and the series doesn't quite have the same "mythic" quality to it that FF conjures up when mentioned in conversation. That's just life.
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