Conversation Between Squall Leonhart Loire and Fynn

53 Visitor Messages

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  1. It's a bot
  2. There is a strange poster, did you see him?
  3. Well, it pays to pay attention
  4. I didn't see where I was posting... :/
  5. You don't joke like that in Academia and the Lifestream
  6. Hmm.. got temporarily banned for saying "I am a Nazi?" I was joking...
  7. I don't know but even it's a neutral comment it gets deleted. I guess I offended so many people that all my comments are getting deleted, no matter how soft they may be.
  8. Don't worry, I'm not offended. It's okay to be negative sometimes
  9. My comments may seem negative but honestly I don't post much anyways. I am sorry if something came off as offensive to you. I haven't been feeling the best of days and am outright thinking of quitting gaming, just like I did with anime/manga. However, I keep going through withdrawal and plus with the way my mental state is deteriorating it's hard to keep up with the different imbalances I have. My mood swings are heavily irrational at many times. A couple of days ago I attempted ending myself and now I have massive scarring on my brain matter and tissue due to the blast I opposed onto myself. There's also burnt matter from a caustized liquid they put inside it to prevent infection. I also now feed myself through IV since feeding myself the normal way is extremely difficult.

    I have many issues and it's rough so my mood swings are just an example of what comes.
  10. Life too short to be super serious about everything! It's good to be silly from time to time.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 53
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