Conversation Between Pumpkin and Fynn

6564 Visitor Messages

  1. Awesome, hope it goes well for you

    Rest of today and tomorrow left and then we head home on Saturday, get back Sunday night barring any car accidents or whatever
  2. I will get to it, I promise

    Sorry I haven't yet. The mortgage stuff is insanely absorbing (as you'll notice by my post count because holy crap suddenly immnumber 9 and not 1) and I have so little energy left but on the bright side it looks like we'll be signing our contracts any day now and we might be moving in as soon as August!
  3. Sure, I'll get to it when you read my thingy :3
  4. Hope your trip is going okay!

    When you have some free time - no need to rush this - I posted a new piece of artwork if you're interested in... uh looking at it I guess
  5. Thank you!
  7. You can use YouTube for that though
  8. Nah I was already up

    She said to get the best ending stuff I needed to not play on easy though
  9. Sorry I made you get up early tho
Showing Visitor Messages 151 to 160 of 6564