Conversation Between Karifean and Ayen

64 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ah alright. Do you have a schedule of what games you play when or something along those lines?
  2. Road Rash 3D and Auto Destruct were all right. Back when EA knew how to make games. Also got finished with a play session of Broken Helix. A rather obscure PSX game that went under a lot of people's radars. Has Bruce Campbell as the lead VA. Not sure how I feel about it yet.
  3. Hiya. I've mostly spent my gaming time rereading CLANNAD (which is pretty amazing though) and playing some Warcraft III maps with friends. Have you played Warcraft III? Or any other standout games recently yourself?
  4. Hey, Kari. Played any good games lately?
  5. Teehee Takano.

    Moar like tak a no!
  6. Haha that's pretty cool. In that case if you do ever get around to it I'd say replace Masato with Takano ^^ Has a bit more meaning to it.

  7. I had an idea for a spoof of internet critics intros using EoFFers for the longest time now, and thought your VN review setup would make a good parody of Linkara. I've just been too lazy/busy to write it.
  8. Hiya. Random is right O.o in fact you could probably answer those questions yourself with Ace Attorney characters. Either way...

    Battler Ushiromiya is not the smartest, and Masato Inohara is not an artist.

    Really curious about the context of these...
  9. Hi, Kari.

    This may seem random, but who in the VN world would you say is not the smartest, and who would you say is not an artist?
  10. Yeah, I stumbled upon a couple of his videos while looking up walkthroughs for the game. I was curious if anyone actually spent enough time to get good at it. I can't even get past the rings without slowing down and speeding up a lot.
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