Conversation Between Fynn and Skyblade

1065 Visitor Messages

  1. No, not really. I get depressed in such things without audience feedback. And I have trouble just following through, I guess. Once I get rolling, I feel obliged to keep going, and it starts to feel more like work than fun. Especially without an audience to engage with or who is excited about it.
  2. Have you been doing anything creative lately? I remember enjoying your FE fanfic quite a bit. It would be cool to see something more from you.
  3. Sorry, Fynn. Just not had a great day.
  4. I shall look into it. The overview trailer looked interesting, but I can't hear the sound until I'm at home (currently on break at work).
  5. Check out Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs. Just started it. It's a fun Polish-made tactical JRPG. It gives me serious FE: Awakening vibes, though it's far more on the light and funny side of things. From the looks of it, it's not serious at all. But it has a gorgeous art style, fantastic soundtrack, lots of fun social link-like interactions and a neato battle system.
  6. Not really.

    I don't think you really want to die. And I'm pretty sure that deep down there's a rational part that tells you that the whole political thing is not what's really bothering you. Unable to deal with some things more directly connected to you, you feel helpless, and project that helplessness to external factors, so that you don't have to face the real problem. But that's just my view on it. And I'm not a specialist.

    I've seen first-hand the aftermath of pure human evil. I live in a place where it happened. An undeniably vile act of pure, unadulterated hate. A stark reminder that we've all seen worse. That we all hold the potential to become monsters, true, because theres a seed of evil in all of us. But also a reminder that's there so that we can remember it and prevent it. Maybe it's just the fact that there is no escaping it here and we spend the better part of our education talking about it, but I've become accustomed to it. And fine with it. BEcause it makes me realize that, in the end, we overcome. Sure, life is an OUroborous, with past, present and future all always exisitng in one place, with mistakes repeating all in one moment, the same one that we overcome them and dread them repeating at the same time. But it's all valid. Both good and bad.

    Ive taken up yoga recently and the one thing it's really taught me is relaxing. But not just on a physical level - by relacing your whole body you kind of tap in to that feeling of acceptance of your own place in the universe. You surrender as part of something far greater, something so far beyond your comprehension. And it's helped me trust in God more. Accept that I am just one little soul in an ocean of countless others. ANd that helps me focus on what's really important. Something far less transient than the fear of what's to come.

    And I hope you can reach that peace someday too. Because atrocities have happened and will happen. All you need to do is live. And I'm fairly certain you know that.
  7. I know that. I know it's wrong. I just don't want to go on. I don't want to wait and watch what will happen. I don't want to fight it. I don't want to be a part of it. I just want to give up. I want out. I am not helping anything.

    It is only cowardice that keeps me here.
  8. So you think the only sensible response to the fact that some bad things are happening is suicide? The world has really, REALLY seen wrs. And trust me, you won't die a martyr
  9. A man won a political race in Virginia by a landslide after running the most racist ad in the history of political theatre, screaming about how the evil white males exist to hunt down minorities. If that isn't enough to prove that the chance at a fair world where all people are treated equally is dead, don't worry. There's plenty more.

    The EU celebrated the beatings and political violence against people exercising their right to vote in Catalonia as "in keeping with the European ideal of unity" (and, by the way, when I speak ill of Europe, it's because I think very, very poorly of the undemocratic country that rules your states).

    An action which, I should say, is one the left is hoping to repeat in the states. First by pushing to eliminate the populace's firearms, and then to claim that their elections are compromised by Russia and thus, invalid and illegal.

    Cosmo magazine runs an article celebrating the joys of incest, and explaining how to bypass the laws against it.

    The DNC is revealed to have been run by a crook since before the primaries took place. Comey is proven to have intended to release Hillary long before the investigation was concluded, and to have specifically admitted that she broke the law, but it shouldn't be enforced on her (because she's better than the average citizen). Her campaign is proven to have funded the lies that started the Russia investigation, bought from Russian agents, and yet there is no blowback or fallout to her or her party.

    Antifa still runs riot and attacks those they disagree with. Universities still shut down anyone they don't like. Representatives we elected on the specific promise of upholding our laws are preparing to cast them aside. There is a heretic in the papacy, even as the entire world rounds on Christianity and calls it an evil while celebrating a religion founded in war. It seems the entire world has turned from God's love and his design for us.

    And I no longer wish to fight it. This world is not for me. I do not belong, I am not wanted. To stand up for the principles I believe in will merely cause harm to those around me, and all those fighting God. They can make their own peace with him. I am done.

    Time to remove one more evil, white, cis-male from the universe.
  10. All superficial things. All politics. When there's so much more to humanity.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 1065