Conversation Between Freya and Shlup

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'm still not used to it. xP But it's nice to be missed, I suppose!
  2. i miss you in staff
  3. You're still ahead of the curve, I'm sure. ;D
  4. OIE! So i'm the one behind! lol
  5. But of course! I have them all fav'd on deviantART.
  6. I found these lovely pictures that I didn't know if you had seen or not. Personally I'm liking prince eric. They are almost NSFW but yah......

    Disney Princes.
  7. Yah and I just don't want those silly whiners complaining more so than they already do! And seeing as how the next is what 3 months away? Don't want to make them get their panties in a twist.
  8. It is admittedly annoying to vote for people when you're unsure which name to vote for or even who is who anymore. xD
  9. I might keep Freya until the next ciddies are over cause I don't want to confuse some people cause that's what happened last time.
  10. That... would be acceptable. Ehehe
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19
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