Conversation Between Loony BoB and Pumpkin

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  1. xD Thanks. I know that feeling, yeah.
  2. Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    I'm just wishing we'd embrace science and leave religion out of things. Humans, pft. Hug it out, people.
    I don't care if someone is religious or not. There's no justifiable reason to murder (let alone hurt) someone for their beliefs - be they to do with a deity or not. Personally speaking, I can enjoy science and religion equally. People who say "We should get rid of religion" to me are on par with people who say "We should get rid of science" - both have their place. Neither should advocate or justify any form of terrorism, though.
    I agree with this post but don't want to post that in the thread because don't feel like debating or defending my pov
  3. happy goo year
  4. Thankies <3 and yeah the pool was amazing x)
  5. That's great! Your pool ohmigosh I fell in love with it just from the pics

    But I'm glad you guys had such a great time, congrats
  6. Don't worry, most people were getting off topic, I only split it because people were seeming to get upset which was never the intention of my original thread. I just wanted to learn, not to see a whole lot of people try to pick apart one specific person's viewpoint. And yes, that is a positive indeed!

    As for the honeymoon, it was perfect. My expectations were high, but they were so low compared to how high the standard of that holiday was. It was amazing. Hard to say just how much I loved it, really! So glad we saved up well past the end of the wedding to get a good honeymoon. It's worth it. We worked hard and saved hard for months and it paid off in a big way.
  7. Hey how was your honeymoon

    Sorry I got off topic in your gender thread xD Didn't even notice I was doing it, it just kind of... happened. But this is still a debate I've been able to participate in that I have been able to stay calm so I'm growing up which is a positive in its own silly way :P
  8. Oh thank you, I appreciate that

    Just wanted to clarify so I knew if I needed to redo my list!
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