Conversation Between Agent Proto and Ayen

9 Visitor Messages

  1. The game has multiple endings? Knowing my luck I'll get the bad ending, too. lol.
  2. I loved it, as you could see with the name change i have. I finished the story of the game back in May, but I ended up with the bad ending, so I'll need to get back to playing the game to get a better ending. It's a good thing that I don't need to start the game from the beginning after I finished it the first time through. It's really worth getting since it doesn't punish you if you decide to take your sweet ass time making decisions while battling since it's turned base rather than active.
  3. I want to say yes to retain my usual spaciness that is unmatched on the forum, but that would be a lie. It was the only ice breaker I could think of. How you liking it so far? No spoilers. I have it on strong authority I'll be getting the game on my birthday along with a bunch of other 3DS games.
  4. have you just noticed now?
  5. You've been playing Bravely Default, haven't you?
  6. They're always talking about shields, but where's the rest of their armor?
  8. SHIELD!

    Or should I say Hydra? DUN! DUN! DUNNNNNNNNNNNN!
  9. Hey Tori, you're currently a team leader, and the other teams are set so far. We're only missing a player for your team. Perhaps you can recruit a member to join you. ?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9