Conversation Between Hollycat and Fynn

42 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks
  2. Happy Birthday dood
  3. I no longer have a ds. But I can borrow my sisters. You might beat me, I haven't played in 6 months.
  4. Dude! Dude! We need to have a Pokemon battle this summer! I mean, it's too bad that tournament never came to be, and I still want to fight you, even though my Pokemon are quite weak and I'll probably lose And I just realized I haven't had a single Wi-Fi battle with my Pokemon Black cartridge. Though i don't have my DS with me now, so it'll have to wait till summer. So what say you?
  5. That's really fascinating. I pray that you may someday achieve your goal Let's both try to make the world a better place by improving ourselves.
  6. A ______ Buddhist is someone who follows one religion, but at the same time strives to acheive the goals set by Buddhism and purify themselves from the deadly sins. Most religions can be also be buddhists. Basically, I believe in god, but my ultimate goal is to perfect myself so I will be worthy of my After.
  7. Sorry, I accidentally double-posted. Whoopsie-daisy!
  8. Three words: Sum1sGruj. So much hate. I cannot grasp it

    BTW, what you said on the thread fascinated me. You said you're a Christian Buddhist? How do you reconcile these? I heard that God is not considered a higher perfect being in Buddhism, or am I wrong? Tell me, I am curious
  9. Why does you has a sad? Did someone touch your wing dang doodle?
  10. Help me, Hypo! I haz a sad.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 42
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