Conversation Between Fynn and Pumpkin

6564 Visitor Messages

  1. Pretty good! Trying to juggle some stuff to lead a balanced life haha

    • working on the apartment which still doesn't have doors and the balcony doesn't have tiles and the hallway doesn't have lights and I still need to paint the bathroom and we still need a mirror, but whatever, it's livable Oh yeah, and still no Internet. I'm typing from work >.>
    • rereading the Witcher books because they're awesome
    • working on my fanfic and I hope to upload some of it once I have internets
    • playing Persona 1 and actually having fun this time and I no longer think it's an irredeemable pile of dung
  2. I am doing alright, how are you?
  3. How've you been Pumpkaboo?
  4. gon have to paint it
  5. new apartment is pretty gray
  6. yaaaay!
  7. Ugh wow. Yay for new apartment though!
  8. Moving soon. Apartment is being finished. We're bleeding out mroe and more money and it's all just pretty frickin' weird and chaotic.
  9. Not much, you?
  10. sup
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 6564