Conversation Between Trumpet Thief and Jiro

38 Visitor Messages

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  1. It's nice to have that as an option. I always tried to keep my options open as I went through school and my undergraduate, just in case something good came up. It has paid off; maybe not in dramatic ways, but it certainly has helped enough. So good on ya for doing the sensible thing and being multitalented!

    Making video game music would be hella. I'm still keen as to write for a game one day, so perhaps one day we should find a programmer and make ourselves an indie studio I had a couple of friends doing game design and was trying to keep tabs on them but I dunno what they're doing these days. Maybe I should touch base and see if I can't open up another career path

    Plenty of oldbies have started popping up and sticking around lately, which is really unexpected but quite cool. And while we don't get as many newbies, a lot of them do stick around. It keeps it alive!

    Most of the stuff I do is short, critical essays on certain things. I did pieces on whether or not narrative is even necessary in video games, why Square Enix is pissing me off, and why I have an unhealthy obsession with Football Manager, among others. Fair bit of variety but it can be tough to think of something interesting to carry across ~1000 words. Still, it's great fun and I hope to do this for a long time to come
  2. That is honestly how I view it. I'm not necessarily planning a career in music (If I could find a way to, I would definitely jump aboard that), but if a musical miracle did come up to save me from my current law plans, that would be wonderful. My draw to social service work is that I do find dealing with people pretty fun, especially if I can offer them some help. Intensity is to be expected, but I'll definitely feel like I'm making a difference (present with law as well to an extent but social service work is more like what I'd want to do).

    Thanks man! The unwritten motto of that channel is that it'll get better as it goes along. Slowly as I invest a little time and money into buying proper equipment and editing software and etc. Glad to see you checked out the beach theme! I liked the tune but the electric part in mixing was unfortunately too loud/fuzzy. Regardless, if I was able to somehow get a career in making music for video games, holy crap would that be a dream come true!

    Honestly the site is more alive than I expected it to be. I didn't think it was going to be a ghost town or anything, but I still see most of the regulars plus a healthy bunch of new members!

    What do you primarily write about in the print magazine?
  3. Creative things are always tough to get into, but if I can make enough money doing it then I'll be on top of the moon. Law has always seemed a little intense, so having a back up is good. Social service work is probably not that much less intense in terms of dealing with people, but at least it's not dense content wise. You should be able to understand what you're working with rather easily.

    Always wished I was a little more musically talented so I could stuff like this, but I'm digging what you've put up. I want to see more! The beach theme was really cool, so it's nice to see you can compose cool things yourself If you do many (any) more FF covers then hit up Psychotic as he might want to feature them on the EoFF Youtube and hopefully cross promote both

    We just had a huge lull period in March but April has really kicked it up a few gears. It'll be around here for a while, I'm sure
  4. Ahh dude, best of luck with the responses to emails! I'm sure they'll flood in eventually. Still, having something to do (with the print magazine) is certainly better than nothing, and will definitely chalk up as useful experience.

    Kind of sucks that some of the most rewarding things to do (music, writing) tend to be the most difficult to find difficult, well-paying work in. Here's to both of us hopefully finding some luck! I've also kept social service work as a second option to Law School, because becoming a lawyer is becoming slowly less and less appealing (it was never super appealing to begin with, honestly).

    Yeah, I'm really making do with all I have with the covers at the moment (just one acoustic guitar and my Ipad Microphone with Garageband). I haven't had the time to invest in it too much, but I am getting a proper microphone very soon so the quality of the submissions will still go up! Hopefully it still stands up as decent

    It's really cool to see that the forum and community is still pretty darn alive!
  5. I'm actually doing some freelance contributing to a print magazine called HYPER which is pretty frigging cool. I'm trying to branch out at the moment but I've been having some issues with nobody responding to my emails I'm still doing creative writing stuff. Not as much, but still enough. I made my first award shortlist the other week, which was pretty brilliant, and I'm trying to finish up a piece for another contest now (I should probably work on that today sometime...) but yeah, still love to write and hopefully can make some money out of it soon!

    The LSAT doesn't sound like fun, but I'm sure you'll be able to soldier through it. Having a creative outlet is a pretty clever way to stop yourself from collapsing under the pressure. I'll have to check out some of your covers, I'm always on board for some nice gaming music.
  6. No way! Where do you write?! That sounds awesome dude! I have finished up my degree, but am now preparing to write the dreaded LSAT. Ugh... Otherwise, I've been dabbling in video game music covers on Youtube, and have been mostly drowning in school-work. Is your writing contained to that video game website or are you still writing fiction as well?
  7. Excellent, excellent I've been making some headway in this whole adulthood thing and now I'm a (sometimes) published video game journalist How's law been treating ya? Have you finished yet? Started work? What's doing in your world?
  8. Bloody good to receive a message from you my friend How is everything!
  9. bloody good to have you back son
  10. I love law too but it was way to dry for me to study effectively. I hope you're more successful, we can live out each other's dreams

    My midsemester break is in like 4 weeks and then after that I get 5 more weeks of study before it's all over for me anyway so I'll get my break soon enough

    I'm definitely looking forward to writing more consistently whenever I can but I might have to do some plot spitballing yet. It's always something I enjoy doing when I should be like, sleeping or studying or something
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