Conversation Between TifaLockhart7 and KentaRawr!

45 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey there!!
  2. so im not the only one...o_o
    gahhh school is LAME!
  3. :x I've been having a lot of trouble with school work too, actually.
  4. ehhhh i'm stressed!!!!
    I have too much to worry grades and my senior project for school! T^T
  5. I'm doing well. :3 How about you?
  6. lol how are youuuuuuuuuu? =DDD
  7. Hey there! n_n
  8. hi hiiiiiiiii! =]
  9. I haven't given you a visitor message in a while. :x So here's one for you.
  10. Ok, fine, I will.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 45
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