Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Fynn

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. That's just your style though.
  2. It’s turned out pretty long though
  3. That will be fine. I'm kind of recouping from the week at the moment, but I'll find time to check it out.
  4. So I'm almost done with my side story. I hope I can finally send it your way this weekend.
  5. I hear that, my issue is just getting started, once I actually get to writing, I remember why I enjoyed it, it's just getting the motivation to start that's my problem.
  6. Yeah, sorry, it’s just the thing I’ve dived deep into right now

    Time to write some more now. I really wish I could write faster or just learn to love the process more
  7. We'll see how I feel about it. Right now, I'm on a bit of an FF kick, and if I was going to go back to a series I left on, it would probably be one of three MegaTen titles I left on hold. I should probably also finish Terra's story in BbS since I'm pretty much at the end of the game and just getting sidetracked by all the tedious side content at the Mirage Arena.
  8. Well, don’t bet too much on that. While that scene is really funny all things considered, GS TLA still runs hard on But Thou Must. However, the things you have to do in this game are a bit more morally questionable, or at the very least just less noble than what Isaac had to do.

    Then again, at the end of GS1, you do end up performing many tasks for someone who is very heavily implied to be a tyrannical despot, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. That's probably why she said I would like him better, because I have the option to be a jerk.
  10. Although, now that I think about it, she might be referring to the fact that if you say no to every single dialog choice in the game, you get this little Easter egg
Showing Visitor Messages 1161 to 1170 of 6688