Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Fynn

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah, kinda weird considering how many cool abilities there are in other categories

    Also, getting more and more tempted to hire a unit to make them an onion knight. They're gonna be time consuming, but damn, the concept sounds ridiculous enough to be fun.
  2. Yeah movement wasn't as well thought out as I would have liked.
  3. Glanced through the other available move abilities and it doesn't seem there's anything terribly noteworthy, so I might as well just go with Lifefont.
  4. The joys of experimenting.
  5. Hmm... I might think of something else then.
  6. No, doesn't use MP for their skills.
  7. Does the Orator use MP at all? I don't know if it makes sense to give my Orator (with Mystic Arts) Manafont.
  8. Awesome, thanks! I'll send it over via mognet - should be more comfortable that way.
  9. Sure, that would be fun.
  10. That does sound good! I'll give it some more thought then. If you're interested, I can list you the builds I have in mind, and maybe you can give me some tips regarding support and reaction abilities?
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