Conversation Between Freya and Fynn

844 Visitor Messages


    Honestly, i've been stepping away from eoff and it's allowed me to get trout done. I got up early to inktober it up. I don't do that for this place. hmmm We sometimes just need a passionate push! I think Nano may be able to push you back into creativity.
  2. Ooh, neat! I'll probably just use this opportunity to force myself to write my novel thing. God know this might just be the push I need. I might start a bit earlier if I get all my thesis corrections done before October ends, so maybe I can try to do 30k in October and 50k in November.
  3. I'm going to have a rough beginning. I'll be in california for blizzcon the first few days! I've got a coming of age witch story idea.
  4. YEah, I know. I don't want it to be super long at all, so the limit is good. Let's just hope 80k is enough if I DO decide to go the fantasy route instead of the YA route. Should push come to shove, I think I can easily add those 10k words no problem, so it'd just be a matter of time.

    So yeah, definitely looking forward to November. Not sure if I should follow the usual 50k or push myself to make it 80k so that my novel is finished by the time NaNo ends.
  5. I HAVE HEARD that first time fantasy novels shouldn't exceed 100k. Because publishers don't want first time novelist to have super long things cause they don't know how they'll do.
  6. So I'm in kind of a pickle. Since NaNo is coming up, I thought this might be just the thing to motivate me into writing my thing. But now I'm looking at wordcounts for a debut novel and... I really don't know which I should go with. Recently, I've been wondering ig I should try to sell it as a fantasy book instead of a YA one, but it turns out that, while the maximum word count for YA is 80K, the minimum for fantasy is 90K. So I have to decide now and that sucks.
  7. Ugggggh

    Stupid YouTube region locking
  8. It's SNL, it was MADE here
  9. not available in my country?!



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