Conversation Between Aulayna and Christmas

45 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh mine, how about the people that you work with? Are they cool and awesome to work with?
  2. Sadly it doesn't work that way here I've tried, but there's a lot of competition, and it's a very big company so they can afford to be picky.
  3. Oh, this happens a lot for people who have been in the same job for too long. Maybe you can ask to transfer to another department to try and experiences new challenges. This might bring the drive back!
  4. Eh, it's so so, been doing it for 6 years now so kinda getting a bit bored of it - well, a lot bored!

    I love the company, but dunno how long I'll stick out the job for.
  5. It is cool that you are involved in the process of making a video game!

    You love your job a lot?
  6. Don't really make them no, I just provide support.
  7. Oh mine! You make video games?
  8. Nope. Video game industry!
  9. You're working in the retail industry?
  10. I work 11 hour shifts, 10am - 9pm. Lunch is at 3pm! So long old days! Makes eating properly hard as I snack like crazy for energy.

    Glad to hear you are well and eating well!
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 45
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