Conversation Between Fynn and Wolf Kanno

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. We should make a fan club
  2. She was the most impressive of the new cast for me.
  3. So I took Ceodore and Ursula and I’m pretty happy with the party! Took Cecil a while to catch up but his band with Ceodore is really nice. And Ursula is simply the best. I feel so stupid for having slept on her utility for so long
  4. I did think about that, but considering I didn’t get to play with Cecil at all throughout the game, I kind of wanna play around with him. Especially since he’s pretty much the best character. But I’ll definitely play around with the new generation setup a bit before and see how it works for me
  5. Honestly, if you did the old crew last time, I'd switch to all of the new generation characters for this one.
  6. Somehow I knew that whatever you’d propose, Ursula would be in there somewhere It does sound like a good team though!
  7. Maybe add Ceodore and Ursala then?
  8. So last time I played TAY my final party was basically the default FFIV final party with Golbez taking Edge’s place. I’m thinking I wanna do something different now but the only thing I havevestablished so far is that I want Palom and Porom to be in there (probably) and also most likely Cecil.
  9. Well the After Years was a real time sink, especially the original. So no surprises there. I haven't really been playing anything lately.
  10. I’ve only managed to watch two episodes so far, but I’m definitely gonna continue, I’ve just been very busy. Also haven’t updated my marathon progress but not because I haven’t made any, I’ve been playing pretty much non-stop lol
Showing Visitor Messages 181 to 190 of 6688