Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Fynn

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. I get what you mean. I started writing down backstory details to ground them. I usually work from my head as well but sometimes ideas keep changing and sometimes not for the better so I sort of wish I did write down certain things. Of anything, because this story is so long and has a large cast, I just need to write things down so I don't forget a character or a plot thread I may not discuss for several chapters.
  2. Oh yeah. I get that. The problem with me is that I may really few notes and it's all in my head. I spend a lot of time figuring out plot details and scenes as I walk and commute, but I have very little tangible notes. But I figure that works better for me because usually if I write a lot of stuff about this down my brain is tricked into thinking it already accomplished something, so the brainstorm just fizzles out before it gets on paper.
  3. I understand, I kind of got stuck at a certain point in my story. It's the reason why I'm working more on the backstory elements to get a clearer picture of everything and to better maintain consistency, though I probably should have been writing down city names as I went along cause now I will have to reread my early chapters just to get all the locations down.
  4. I get what you mean. It's kinda why I stopped too, but it's been so long since I've written those chapters that I really can't go on with them like that. But the image of the whole thing is much bigger than it used to be, and I'm not sure if writing some later scene isn't a good idea to keep me going as well
  5. I'm trying to soldier on and get the whole story written out before really going back to rewrite stuff. Part of the reason my novel has been in development hell for so long is because I get a third of the way through it and then decide to rewrite the whole damn thing again. I think what I sent you was the third or fourth draft of the actual story. I still have the first (it's in a notebook somewhere) and I still like to read through it occasionally because it helps me see how far along I've come as a writer since those days.
  6. Well, that's always progress! So I'm glad you're moving along too

    Whereas I'll start by rewriting my first two chapters. It's been well over two years since I wrote them and seeing my style from back then is just embarrassing.
  7. As usual, I've fallen out of routine. Though I've been spending most of my time working on my novel's Bible to work out backstory details, and realized I've never really put much thought into the geography of my world. So that has been my focus lately.
  8. Well, it's still early to say. But I am hopeful. How are your writings coming along anyway?
  9. Well at least it sounds like it's working for you.
  10. Nah, don't worry It's pretty impossible to be like that to people you know. When it's the writing of a complete stranger, there's a greater disconnect, so you see only the writing, and not the person. Both approaches are valid, really.
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