Conversation Between Slade and Alive-Cat

173 Visitor Messages

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  1. It depends on what he is going to run into on his way to the sacred place.
  2. Is it possible to 'grown down'? If so, would you take the opportunity and become Alive-boy?
  3. Leprechauns/grandpa.
  4. I'll give you my verdict once I've eaten.
  5. Get out of the car.
  6. Which brings up a very puzzling question. How, oh how, can a chilly dog be hot when it is obviously chilly? Any theories?
  7. Creamed myself, have I, at last marvellous poem.
  8. I have a lovely orange traffic cone if you would like to cover it up?
  9. Stop digging up Slade.
  10. I go away for 24 hours and look what happens! I bet you even threw a ping pong tournament while I was gone
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 173
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