Conversation Between Slade and Rocket Edge

391 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ah, Sladey, its been to long. I feel as if a rock is being taken off my sholders with every word I say in your usernotes. I'm using the smilie for added effect.
  2. Rocket Edge! Burning out his fuse up here alone!

    How's it going buddy? Decided to come back for a bit and 'see' the old gang
  3. Where are you Sladey?!!
  4. Me first mister Edge!
  5. Whoever knew HENLEY was such a shithole.
  6. You can squirt it on top of pies, though.
  7. You watch my back, & I'll equip a hatchet.
  8. We were robbed of our victory, dude. Let's march on city hall!
    I'll get the combat boots, you get the ropes.
  9. Where've you been, Rocket Edge!? It's been a fair few years, buddy.
  10. SLAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDEEEEE... You remind me of Gatorade. Greatest hangover cure of all.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 391
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