Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Pumpkin

1037 Visitor Messages

  1. Awesome, glad you're back for a little bit
  2. Just a little while, I still have some projects and gaming I'm working on that will probably take me away but I'm hoping to get a few more articles out here as well.
  3. Yay! How long are you back for this time?
  4. Okay...
  5. Good, good
  6. Um yes?
  7. Do you like cheeseburgers y/n?
  8. That big of a surprise eh?
  9. Umm to clarify, I meant we would die because when we played the game it would have been SO SHOCKING that we would have dropped dead.
  10. Lol, good to know.
Showing Visitor Messages 91 to 100 of 1037